Legal warning

To comply with the provisions of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the general information data of this website is indicated below:

Identity of the person responsible

Owner: Matthieu Saglio

NIF/CIF: ESX4178644G

Address: Calle Pirotecnia Brunchu 74 – 46 110 Godella (Valencia) – SPAIN


Terms of use

1. Conditions of use

The purpose of these General Conditions clauses is to regulate access and use of the website, owned by Matthieu Saglio, (hereinafter MATSAG.COM), through which access is made available to the USER to certain information, news and offers of products and services detailed on its portal, related to the music and/or the musical groups of Matthieu Saglio.

Access to and/or use of MATSAG.COM attributes to the person who does so, the status of user, accepting, from that very moment, fully and without any reservation, these general conditions, as well as the particular conditions that, where appropriate, complement , modify or replace the general conditions in relation to certain services and contents of the website.

The making available of the contents is conditioned on the acceptance of the terms and conditions indicated below, without prejudice to the particular conditions that regulate the sale of certain products and/or the provision of services through this website.

For these purposes, THE USER who accesses the MATSAG.COM website to obtain information and/or contract the services offered through it declares that he or she is of legal age (18 years) and has the necessary legal capacity to be bound by this agreement and to use this Website in accordance with the General Conditions set forth herein, which he fully understands.

If you do not wish to accept the General Conditions detailed below, you must refrain from accessing and/or using the services and contents of the MATSAG.COM portal.

2. Service description

MATSAG.COM, through its website, makes available to the USER a series of information about musical products and services and gives the possibility, in certain cases, of contracting and acquiring such services and products.

The products and services offered are mainly those related to the musician Matthieu Saglio, such as concert tickets, albums, merchandising, etc., whose products do not require any specific regulations for their sale beyond the general one for consumers and users and e-commerce, nor registration in any special Registry.

These General Conditions regulate the generic use of the portal, the effective contracting and acquisition of the specific services and products offered on MATSAG.COM.

In the event that the purchase is made through another seller, such as,,, etc., the user will be expressly warned that they are redirected to another website, and from now on, Both the sale and the conditions of use will be governed by the specific general and particular conditions of the site to which the USER is redirected, whose conditions must be met and expressly accepted at the time of linking with the supplier in question. In this sense, it is recommended that you read these conditions carefully and print them to consult any questions about what was contracted.

3. Use of the website, its services and contents

The user agrees to use the website and its services and contents without violating current legislation, good faith, generally accepted uses and public order.

Likewise, the use of the website for illicit or harmful purposes against Matthieu Saglio, and/or any third party, or that, in any way, may cause damage or prevent the normal functioning of the website, is prohibited. Regarding the contents (information, texts, graphics, sound and/or image files, photographs, designs, etc.), it is prohibited:

– Its reproduction, distribution or modification, unless there is prior written authorization from its legitimate owners or it is legally permitted.

– Any violation of the rights of the contents of the website.

– Its use for all types of commercial or advertising purposes, other than those strictly permitted.

– Any attempt to obtain the contents of the website by any means other than those made available to users.

4. Intellectual and industrial property

All content and information found on the MATSAG.COM portal (brands, logos, texts, images, color combinations, audio and software files, structure and presentation of its contents, etc.) are the property of MATSAG.COM or /and its content providers, and are protected by national and international Intellectual and Industrial Property laws. Its distribution, reproduction, public communication and transformation, in whole or in part, is prohibited, except for personal and private use or express written authorization from MATSAG.COM.

Violation of the above rights will be prosecuted in accordance with current legislation.

All comments, ideas, suggestions, etc., from the USER that are received on this portal, will be considered transferred free of charge and their reproduction and distribution by any means and without temporal or territorial limitation will be authorized. Therefore, the USER undertakes not to send information that cannot be treated in this way.

The establishment of any “hyperlink” between a web page and MATSAG.COM:

– Total or partial reproduction of any of the services or contents of the MATSAG.COM website is not permitted.

– Deep-links will not be established with the web pages of the site or its services, nor will a browser or border environment be created on them.

– The web page on which the hyperlink is established will not contain any brand, trade name, establishment sign, name, logo, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to Matthieu Saglio.

– Under no circumstances will Matthieu Saglio be responsible for the content or services made available to the public on the website from which the “hyperlink” is made or for the information and statements included therein.

– In any case, any link or association with pages, sites or content that is not suitable or permitted for minors, that contains content of a political nature, or that is discriminatory or offensive in any way, no matter how minimal it may seem, is absolutely prohibited. against the dignity of all people, regardless of their condition.

5. Exclusion of guarantees

The service provided by MATSAG.COM is free and voluntary, therefore, it does not grant any guarantee nor is it responsible, in any case, for damages of any nature that may arise from:

– The lack of availability, maintenance and effective functioning of the website and/or its services or contents.

– The lack of usefulness, adequacy or validity of the website and/or its services or content to satisfy specific results or user expectations.

– Illegal, negligent, fraudulent use, contrary to these General Conditions, good faith, generally accepted uses or public order, of the website, its services or contents, by users.

6. Purchase conditions

Purchase procedure

The purchasing process begins with the customer’s selection of the items, which are available within the framework of the main page that divides them into families.

The product showcase presented by MATSAG.COM in the different sections of its website is subject to any type of price change and/or discontinuation of its products without prior notice, both in terms of their characteristics and their price. Its presentation on our website does not imply the availability of the product for sale at any time. The information specified about the products presented on our website may be modified or deleted at any time by the company, likewise the company is not responsible for any inaccuracy, spelling or graphic error that our website may contain.

The presented images of the products may not exactly match the actual item. The company makes our entire commercial department available to our clients to make any type of query about the products referenced on our website, so it is not responsible for the decisions that the client or consumer may make based on the brief information indicated about our products on our website, otherwise having the returns policy at your disposal.

Order proposals received by email are not considered a contract until they are reviewed by the commercial department and approved by the company, according to the purchasing process detailed on this website.

Purchase orders can be made in English/Spanish/French, the company will formalize them in the same language, this document being valid in case of litigation or discrepancies.

All documentation generated in the process will be kept by the company during the established legal period, and will be accessible to the consumer upon a certified written request, at the company’s registered office.

An email will be sent to the customer informing them of their order details and the details for shipping the items. This document will be considered a contract for the purposes of the provisions of article 23 of law 34/2002. The parties accept that the contract is concluded at the company’s registered office.

If the customer is satisfied, they will proceed to pay the total of the order, which will include the cost of the product plus VAT plus shipping. If the client has any discrepancy, they must contact the company so that the commercial department can attend to their claim.

All documentation generated in the process will be kept by the company during the established legal period, and will be accessible to the consumer upon accredited request, in writing to the company’s registered office.

Verification by the company of the payment of the order

In the normal event that the transfer has been processed successfully, MATSAG.COM will initiate the procedures to send the order placed by the client in the shortest possible time.

Non-payment is equivalent to unilateral withdrawal by the USER and MATSAG.COM is not obliged to carry out any further procedures.

Shipping times:

From 3 to 5 business days for shipments to mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Balearic Islands, Ceuta and Melilla. And from 3 to 15 business days for shipments outside of Spain.


All prices of products and services for sale on MATSAG.COM include Value Added Tax (VAT).

Residents in the European Union and non-EU countries: Purchases made by VAT exempt taxpayers  residing in the European Union and possessing an intra-community NIF, or residents in non-community countries will be exempt from paying VAT, with the sending of supporting documentation to MATSAG.COM being an essential condition.

Residents in the Canary Islands and non-EU countries: Shipping costs do not include import taxes, which will be paid in cash at destination by the recipient of the merchandise.

Return Policy

MATSAG.COM complies with Spanish retail trade legislation, also regarding returns and withdrawals.

The USER has a period of fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of receipt to exercise the right of return, except for concert tickets, which will not be subject to refund in any case since they are not sold through this platform.

In case of return, shipping costs will not be refunded and collection costs will be borne by the customer, in the same amount as the initial shipping costs.

To make a return, the product must be in perfect condition, in its original packaging and with any accessories or promotional gifts included, if applicable. Once we receive the merchandise in our warehouses, and after checking its status, the amount will be refunded according to the payment method made by the client.

The above does not apply to the return of defective products, and MATSAG.COM will be responsible for the shipping costs as long as the customer communicates this circumstance within a period of seven (7) calendar days from the date of receipt of the shipment, and once the basis of the claim has been verified.


These General Conditions of Use, as well as the relationship that may be established between the user and MATSAG.COM, are subject to Spanish legislation. For any type of controversy that may arise derived from the use of the services offered or the contents of the portal, the parties, with the acceptance of this clause, submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Valencia (Spain) with expressly resignation in their own jurisdiction or any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.